Mid-States Concrete Industries

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You think you know, but you have no idea - Part III

By Mallory Combs, Marketing Intern

We recently sat down with the members of our Leadership Team to learn a little bit more about what makes them tick.  Here are some fun facts to help you get to know the team.

Mike Wolff

Mike Wolff, Vice President of Safety and Plant Operations
Mike does the work he does now because he loves Mid-States, as well as the team here, and he has always had a passion for quality and safety.  Something you may not know is that Mike has a degree in Police Science and was going to be a cop, until he decided he didn’t want to work every weekend and wanted to enjoy holidays off.  An artist he likes, but rarely admits to liking, is John Denver, who he grew up listening to on 8-track tapes.  Something he will never do again is touch a hot stove, because, for some reason, it hurts!  A time Mike has been tricked was on his first day here at Mid-States, when Dan Rippl tricked him in to running a wheelbarrow for most of the day because Dan told him it was the only way Mike could gain his respect.  Some hobbies of Mike’s that very few know may include that he used to participate in Black Powder Rendezvous, sleeping in teepees, and dressing up in buck skins.  He even once sewed an entire buckskin outfit out of deer hides himself.  His other hobbies include hunting and trapping, spending time with his family grilling out, going to swim meets, going to opening day of hunting season with his family, and riding his Harley with his wife.  We hope that Mike’s last words are far off, but he would want to thank God and his family for a wonderful life and feel like he impacted the world positively.  Finally, Mike’s spirit animal is a hawk, because it has a keen eyesight and can view obstacles and challenges in advance, as well as because it only takes what it needs to survive and doesn’t waste.  Also, it is precise in its calculations when taking game and always puts its young’s survival first.

Michael McNett

Michael McNett, Director of Information Technology
Michael decided to go into IT because at 17, he co-owned an ISP (Internet Service Provider) and he had a passion for helping users.  He originally wanted to be a broker, until he realized what they really do: “make people broke.”  Michael enjoys listening to Justin Bieber, but thinks Justin Timberlake is the better Justin, which I wholeheartedly agree with.  Michael enjoys traveling, has stock in the Snapchat market, and is currently on the Tesla waiting list.  One way Michael has proved his commitment to hard work is through his motivation to mix his own concrete and pour his driveway.  Although we hope Michael’s last words will be far off, he hopes they will be: “Weeeeeeeee!”  Finally, Mike’s spirit animal is a dolphin-owl.  Not really sure what that is, but we’ll take it!

Tune in for Part IV tomorrow - featuring Bob MacDougall, Controller.